Jul 11, 2020


Legacy of French Revolution and Russian Revolution.


    A legacy is a long term effect of something. A person or an event or a piece of writing from the past may still shape what people believe and how they live in society today. French Revolution bore a rich Legacy for the people of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth century because it was the first national movement that adopted the idea of Liberty, equality, and fraternity. These ideas became the basic tenets of democracy for every nation in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The revolution exposed the cause of masses, sought to abolish the idea of divine right, feudal privileges,slavery and censorship and upheld the merit as the basis for social up-gradation


     The Russian  revolution also had a great Global Impact. It impacted many things such as Communism, socialism and democracy economy, imperialism ,nationalism and most importantly the division of the world.

Legacy of French Revolution.

    French Revolution is the milestone in the history of mankind. It inspired Revolutionary Movement in almost every country of Europe and South America.It  inspired social and economic changes in Europe. It inspired the German,Italian and Austria to overthrow their oppressive regimes.

  Its legacy:

  • The idea of liberty and democratic rights were the most important Legacy of French Revolution.

  • It inspired the Germans, Italians and Australians to overthrow their oppressive regimes.

  • Colonized people of Africa and Asia were deeply influenced by the French Revolution.

  • They demanded Liberty, equality, justice from their colonial master which finally led to the beginning of National Movement in our country

Declaration of rights of man.

  One of the Legacy of French Revolution is a document call the declaration of the rights of man, which became part of France law on 16 August 1789. This document was based on the idea of Rousseau and the American constitution. It promises freedom to the people of France. The document is about how people should leave together in society, and it has had an impact on people all over the world. Sum of its key principles were:

  • Equality of law

  • Freedom of expression and religion.

  • All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Inspiring other political revolution in Europe, paving the way to democracy.

Political revolution in Europe began with French Revolution. This Revolution influenced the people in other European countries and the political Revolution raged through Europe as people fought against the authority of the king. In 1848 France  had another revolution give hope to society where people were free and equal in the 20th century.

  • The French Revolution put into practise  the idea that sovereignty comes from the people not from the rulers.

  • Women actively participated in the revolution.

  • It marked the beginning of the women's movement across France and the world.

  • Welfare of the people was considered to be the prime duty of the government. child labour was banned in factories; steps were taken to improve working condition of mines and factory workers.

  • France abolished slavery from its colonies, it's abolished slavery in 13 American colonies.

  • The French revolution gave the term ‘nations’ its modern meaning and promoted the concept of nationalists which inspired the people of Poland, Netherland and Italy to establish  Nation state in their countries.

Legacy of Russian Revolution

  • After the Russian Revolution there was establishment of communism in Russia.

  • It became the guiding principle to the people of other countries of the world and they made their efforts to establish Communism in their own countries.

  • Efforts were being made to condition workers. Working hours for the workers was reduced. Now the workers were provided a safe working environment.

  • In many countries communist parties were formed on the line of Russia.

  • It gave the world a new economic system known as socialism.

  • The bolshevik encouraged colonial people to follow their experience. It inspired a number of freedom movements in other countries.

  • Any non Russian from outside the country participates in the conference. Some even received education from communist University.

  • State control the overall sector of society.                                   

  1.    economy and business

  2.      Labour and pay

  3.       Housing

  4.       Education

  5.      Youth Group spread propaganda

  • State playing an active role regulating the economy.

  •  Don't allow Religion in public life.

  • The world came to be divided into socialist and capitalist.


Both French and Russian Revolution initiated several important issue which remained relevant in today's world. French Revolution gave the people the principle of Liberty ,equality and fraternity to the entire world. Russian Revolution is also significant in this regard. Communism found its political shape, end of monarchy, evolution of private property, five years plan and more importantly it is the first revolution to establish Equality.



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